Monday, August 20, 2007

Castrillo's is Slacking big time! Pizza Real is picking up the slack.

Hey there, readers, Hoodspenders has been out there in the world awhile getting some story ideas together and checking out as many businesses as we could and noting our experiences. Looks like I've come back to the blog with a not so fun post about one of our local neighborhood pizza places. Sometimes it's necessary to point out the fact the a local business has been sucking a bit lately. Hopefully it causes them to take a look at themselves and fix the situation....which leads us to some tings I have been documenting about what used to be one of Hoodspenders fav pizza joints in East Nashville, Castrillo's - 1404 Mcgavock Pike, Nashville, TN Tel: (615) 226-9606. Follow me after the jump to get the skinny.

Being rude to customers just for the hell of it will get a special one way ticket to Hoodspender's sHit List. Being rude and unhelpful to a Mother with a small child who is trying to spend her money on your products reserves you a special place in hell. Unfortunately this is the kind of things that are being noted lately at Castrillo's by the people who actually choose to take the time to go there instead of delivery and choose over every other billion pizza places in town to give Castrillo's their hard earned money.

I don't like to use the name of the people who have these stories, but suffice it to say that they are truthful people and there is no doubt that what they have experienced was plain out and out poor customer service. If you are a business owner and you are having a grumpy day....suck it up. Do NOT take it out on a customer. Sure, a customer may be having a sucky day and take it out on you, but guess what....tough shit. Just note that they are still paying you and you don't have to do anything special other than what they ordered and purchased. You also need to ACKNOWLEDGE when a customer has stepped into your business establishment. No one likes to step into a place that they are planning to spend money at and be ignored. A SIMPLE SMILE and or NOD will do the trick. HELP a mother holding a small child into the door with her tray of food that she just bought from you when you see she is struggling. Surely your head is not so far into the vicinity of your own colon to do that!

Hoodpsender's doesn't care about how amazingly delicious your Large Italian Sausage with Feta Cheese on thin crust your pizza is - and let me tell you Castrillo's makes some REALLY REALLY GOOD Pizza - GUESS WHAT - nobody wants it when you are rude to them. No sir, I will spend my Pizza portion of my paycheck at Pizza Real (203 N. 11th St. 226-2206. Noon-2 pm Mon.-Fri., 5-10:30 pm Mon. Sat.) , across from the Red Door East where the Pizza is just as good, some say better and the Gentleman and the people he employs who staff the place really know how to bust their ass and take care of people.

So, help me out readers, tell me GOOD OR BAD stories from your experiences with Castrillo's and Pizza Real...let's share a slice! And Castrillo's...take a deep breath and get back on track.


Anonymous said...

We go to Castrillo's fairly often and have never been treated rudely. They are there to serve you a pizza, they are not there to be your best friend, listen to your life story or fix your car or whatever happened.

Jason said...

Good for you, glad to hear it. Others have been treated rudely and it had nothing to do with your clever "they are not there to be your best friend, listen to your life story or fix your car" line. The post outlines basic customer service problems with Castrillo's...acknowledging a patron, helping someone struggling with their food through the door and not just standing their staring at one said they wanted a best friend with their pizza. I am glad you have never been treated rudely and I am glad you shared it with us. It's good to know both sides. However, if you want to criticize somone else's experience, make sure you read the post and not make up things. Toodles.

Jason said...

Hoodspenders had a most excellent thin crust pepperoni and feta cheese pizza home delivered on Saturday night and had no problems.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment made on Castrillo's. I have only been in there twice, and they have not been helpful at all. Plus, they weren't the quickest at preparing my food. I think blogs like these might just be what the Castrillo's staff need in order for them to shape up!