Monday, July 23, 2007

A Hot Dog and the THREAT of a hot dog.

Saturday I did what is becoming a Saturday habit of mine (when I find the time.)Around 11ish I went to "I Dream of Weenie" (trust me, you don't want to look up that title in Google Images...or maybe you do, I don't judge) and got a Slaw Dog and a Root Beer. I am beside myself that a really good (or any) hot dog place opened up and I am extremely glad it opened here. However, I sorta f'd up and forgot how thoughtful and well intentioned the neighborhood on for more....

Ya see, Saturday was a beautiful cool, non humid day. I was by myself and decided to bring my beagle mix, Ruby, whom I love, with me. She's a barker and she likes to jump up on people because we spoiled the crap out of her, so I left her in the car, windows rolled up (so she wouldn't disturb with her barking) right in front of the Weenie Mobile. My defense, it was NOT hot and I was ONLY going to have her there long enough to ORDER my weenie and take her out on her leash to eat with me.

Well, to my embarrassment, in the middle of my ordering, which wasn't more than 60 seconds from the time I left the dog in the truck, I hear yelled out amongst those lounging and eating their weenies on the lawn..."Hey is this somebody's dog in this truck??" and of course everyone is looking around....

A woman who was walking down the sidewalk saw Ruby in there, and being the good citizen, she let it be known that the window had to be cracked or the dog would die.

Suddenly I feel like everyone looked at me like some monster, though I was already aware of that fact and that her piercing beagle barks could be annoying to the people eating their weenies on the lawn and that in the 90 seconds away from the truck, my Ruby would not be harmed at all. I couldn't stand in line with her on a leash with me at the same time.

So thank you, citizen, for saving my dog and embarrassing me, but I'd rather have people around that pointed that kind of stuff out, rather than not caring about a dog locked up in a truck with the windows rolled up.

The slaw dog (which I like to call the "Sam Peckinpaw") ruled as well.


Christy said...

I love the new hot dog stand! A great, cheap meal.

Anonymous said...

i'm going to go "weenie-ing" today.....can't wait!